Monday 18 January 2016

Audience Research.


The Get Paid Crew have two main goals, being rich and being their own boss. This tribe have many of the same motives as Hip-Hop artists who have risen from the streets of cities in the USA to having more money than they know what to do with. The Get Paid Crew are determined to make something of themselves which means earning money, they want to earn money and respect which is the same as Hip-Hop artists. This tribe believe it's all about working hard to make something of yourself, nobody is going to be looking out for you, this is very much the same as a large amount of artists who found themselves with nothing at a young age and are now stupidly rich and enjoy their lives. With these things in common the Get Paid Crew can find motivation in the lyrics that these artists use, therefore they would be interested in this genre of music.


The Skaters are an audience for my magazine because they wear the clothes that are inspired by Hip-Hop artists, brands such as Supreme are worn by artists like Tyler the Creator who inspires the public to wear the brand Supreme. The Skaters are a tribe that are heavily associated with music and fashion, very much the same as Hip-Hop. The skaters wear brands that many artists in the Hip-Hop genre wear, alternatively many artists also skate, a large example of this is Tyler the Creator's group Odd Future. Odd Future are not a huge group in the hip-hop scene, they are lead by Tyler who seems to bring them with his fame. This group can encourage the Skaters to listen to more Hip-Hop and vary the artists they listen to from this genre.

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